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      Fruits for the Brain
      Fruits for the Brain


      The saying goes, “You are what you eat.” Well, what if we want to be more productive and efficient at work? What if we want to improve our focus and speed during crunch time? There is no doubt that what you consume has the ability to affect your mental clarity, mood, memory and ability to focus: too much carbohydrates for lunch can leave you feeling too lethargic to work in the afternoon, for example. This month on Ergonomic Life, we break down the superfoods nutritionists claim can help you perform better at the office. The next time you find yourself gravitating toward the snack table at work (we all have one!), opt for these fruits instead. Happy eating, happy working! 



      Every organ in the body depends on blood flow, especially the heart and brain. Unsaturated fatty acids, such as avocado, just so happen to be the most beneficial ingredients for your brain function (and your movement). Avocado enhances blood flow, which fires up brain cells. An added benefit, the fruit is also loaded with fiber, which helps keep hunger pangs at bay so that you can focus at your desk for longer.



      Antioxidant-rich foods are great for increasing memory. Pro tip: as a general rule of thumb, the darker the berry, the more antioxidant property the fruit contains, which equates to more productivity-boosting ingredients in it. That’s why blueberries are said to provide numerous health benefits, including some that are specifically for your brain. 



      There is no doubt that bananas are a type of superfood. You often see athletes snacking on them for breakfast as it is one of the best resources for glucose, which provides your body energy. A single banana actually holds the daily amount of glucose your body needs, without being excessive or unhealthy the way carbs and cane sugars are. What’s more, bananas are extremely filling, which helps you stay focused for longer. 



      Did you know that you can get all the vitamin C you need in a day by eating one medium orange? Since vitamin C is a key ingredient in preventing mental decline, oranges can do wonders for your brain health. Other fruits with excellent amounts of vitamin C include guava, kiwi, tomatoes and strawberries.

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